About Us

We started Signed & Numbered in 2008 as a poster shop and art gallery in our home town of Salt Lake City, Utah. My name is Phil Sherburne and my wife's name is Leia Bell. I am a carpenter by trade and Leia is an artist. The best one ever.
Somehow in my twenties my custom furniture shop morphed into a music venue called Kilby Court and that is where Leia and I met.
During the eight years that we managed Kilby Court we had also managed to collect three kids, a dog named Lucky and mountains of limited edition, signed and numbered posters, mostly of the shows we had promoted.
As you can guess, we then took our mountain of signed and numbered posters and started a poster shop/art gallery in the basement of a record store with our dog Lucky was the logo.
We soon realized that the collectible posters we were selling seemed out of place in manufactured frames, so I started making handmade wooden frames for the handmade art we were selling in the gallery. It was a much better fit.
Now 17 years later we find ourselves passionate about frames. It sounds goofy, but we really like frames!

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